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Our kind of Blender is all about mixing together things we love! Combining Swing Dances is on the top!
That's why in all our passes you will find a combination of at least 
two different tracks

(Lindy Hop / Authentic Jazz Dance / Balboa).

What's your pick?




Bouncy pulse

I have been dancing for some time and I love the whole learning process! I know all the lindy hop basics. I try dancing at all tempos, but I’m not exactly comfortable with higher tempos. I can define rhythm and I am dancing or experimenting my own variations on moves. I still though, need some time with trying different rhythms and shapes.


Groovy spin

I am dancing & learning for a significant amount of time. I practice my basics at every tempo and work on the details. I practice besides my weekly classes & I am a frequent social dancer in parties, festivals & events. I understand the rhythm further and can or experiment to improvise through them. I can handle fast-paced classes.




Bouncy pulse

I know some of the basic jazz-root moves & I can play around with them. I can feel and follow the rhythm with my feet. Sometimes the whole body follows. I can follow a jam with other dancers but still I don’t feel very comfortable.

Groovy spin

I know my root moves and can improvise through them. I can define the rhythm and follow it with my body. I can come up with ideas and communicate them with others. I feel comfortable enough to be in a jam circle & experiment. I am ok when the tempo speeds up and I can follow a fast-paced class.




Bouncy pulse

This track is right for me if one of the following applies: I have seen Balboa before and want to try my first steps.
I have no idea what Balboa is, but I am naturally curious and want to find out. I have taken som
e classes a long time ago
and want to dive again in the Balboa world. The only prerequisites are good energy, a love for the learning process and a
fondness for close embrace (hugs)!

Groovy spin

I know what Balboa is! I dance my basics comfortably in higher tempos, and I also have a good pulse. Whenever I have the
chance I dance Balboa socially, I take classes or workshops, and practice. I am interested in further exploring this fabulous dance!

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